Saturday, April 11, 2009

Encouraging Message: Celebrating Coming Home and An Easter Wish

My NICU newborn was transferred to the level IV ICN on Easter Sunday. The year she was born, Easter was early. Some of the story is shared on the Creating a Circle of Healing and Support post from last year.

This year, Easter fell on the day that we got to take her home from the hospital, a day that I remember as the day she was finally 'ours.'

This year we got a 'She's finally home cake' to celebrate the day that my youngest joined the family. She is now old enough to realize that quite a bit of time passed between the time she was born and the time we got to take her home.

My Wish for Current NICU Parents
For this Easter season, as I once again relive our own NICU experiences, I would like to extend the following wish for NICU and ICN parents who currently have their newborns in the hospital. This wish is part of the healing blessing that we use for my daughter's NICU adventure.

May you continue to heal
moment by moment
hour by hour
day by day
knowing that so many love you
and wait to welcome you.

May you feel loved.
May you be safe.
May you be protected.
May you be strong.
May you be healed.

May you find healing, in whatever form that healing might take.
Our Easter Gift for NICU Parents
For Those Who Hold the Littlest Hands eBookThis Special Healing Blessing comes as a bonus when you download the Free resource for NICU Parents, the NICU eBook, For Those Who Hold the Littlest Hands. This resource is the one that we wish existed when we were in the NICU to provide us with information and support for surviving our own experience.

For more information on the NICU eBook check, Complimentary NICU eBook Available for Download


Dyer KA. Creating a Circle of Healing and Support. NICU Parent Support Blog.
Dyer KA. An Easter Healing Blessing in the Intensive Care Nursery. NICU Parent Support Blog.
Schwing J. Healing Blessing in the Intensive Care Nursery. Chaplaincy Institute website. February 2008 Newsletter.

Image Source: Modified Microsoft Image

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