Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gift Ideas for NICU Parents - A Custom Necklace or Bracelet

One special way of remembering NICU parents, particular a NICU mother is to have a custom Necklace or Bracelet created for her with the NICU baby's name on it. You can even have the baby's name added as part of a family necklace.

One of my favorite places to find custom handmade jewelry items is on Etsy. I have found many beautiful necklaces and bracelets offered by different talented jewelry artists that can be personalized with your baby's name and information.

This necklace featured from BabyCharmed is one that I ordered myself with my both of daughter's names as a beautiful custom mom's necklace.

Some of my favorites include (listed alphabetically):
These talented jewelry artists offer a variety of beautifully created handmade products. Just look around on Etsy until you find one that seems right as a NICU parent gift.

About Etsy

Etsy is the leading online website that allows Etsy hundreds of thousands of sellers to sell their handmade products directly to buyers.

The Etsy sellers featured all offer different types of necklaces and bracelets that can be personalized with your baby's name and information to become a reminder of your child when he or she is not with you.

More Gift Ideas
Dyer KA. 2009. Gift Ideas for NICU Parents and NICU Babies. NICU Parent Support Blog.
Dyer KA. 2009. Gift Ideas for NICU Parents.
Dyer KA. 2009. Gift Ideas for NICU Babies.

Image: BabyCharmed. Used With Permission.

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